Quotation Explorer - 'William Styron'

The good writing of any age has always been the product of someone's neurosis, and we'd have a mighty dull literature if all the writers that came along were a bunch of happy chuckleheads. - William Styron
E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle.And so we came forth, and once again beheld the stars. - William Styron
I get a fine warm feeling when I'm doing well, but that pleasure is pretty much negated by the pain of getting started each day. Let's face it, writing is hell. - William Styron
A good book should leave you....slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading it. - William Styron
On Major Depression, quoted by the great of Sophie's Choice & Darkness Visible:From Darkness Visible, "It is a positive and active anguish, a sort of psychical neuralgia, wholly unknown to normal life. - William Styron
The good writing of any age has always been the product of someone's neurosis, and we'd have mighty dull literature if all the writers that came along were a happy bunch of chuckleheads. - William Styron
The pain of severe depression is quite unimaginable to those who have not suffered it, and it kills in many instances because its anguish can no longer be borne. - William Styron
A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted. You should live several lives while reading it." -- (born June 11 1925) - William Styron
In De Rerum Natura, Lucretius pointed out a very central truth concerning the examined life. That is, that the man of science who concerns himself solely with science, who cannot enjoy and be enriched by art, is a misshapen man. An incomplete man. - William Styron
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